This Week's Lesson:
Gospel Principles #47 - "Exalations"
Gospel Principles #47 - "Exalations"
Next Week's Lesson:
"You Matter to Him" by Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Nov. Ensign, p.19
"You Matter to Him" by Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Nov. Ensign, p.19
Happy Birthday This Week To:
Elise McLaughlin - December 11th
Elise McLaughlin - December 11th
Sally Ashton - December 12th
Linda Lofgran - December 13th
Upcoming Events:
The Ward Christmas Party was changed to Tuesday, December 13th, at the Stake Center at 6:00 pm. There will be dinner and Christmas program not to be missed!
Don't forget to sign up for Tithing Settlement!
Don't forget to check out the coupon bin in the back of the RS Room for great savings!